Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Paper Challenge: April and May Edition

I have slacked off on reporting the continuing results of my paper challenge, but at least I didn't slack off on actually collecting the paper and weighing it. So now you are getting two months' worth in one post.

April's count was 3.58 pounds.
May's count was 3.88 pounds.

Seems like I am starting to get a handle on all this paper. If I can keep it under 4 pounds per month, that is on track to best the national average of 41 pounds of junk mail per year, because more than 50% of the paper I am recycling is not junk mail. After getting rid of a majority of my junk mail, now more than half of my paper weight comes from efforts to find paper to recycle from bills and other press releases I get from game companies and such. I am recycling more than 41 pounds of paper per year, and that is way better than it just be junk delivered to my house that I don't want. I think it may be time to start expanding my paper challenge outreach to others besides myself. My first two tasks will be my mom (and why note, she just looooooves it when I pick on her) and, oddly enough, my wife.

You see, my wife has only partially embraced my green obsession. Yes, she definitely is on board for the most part, but there are times when I see her (without meaning to) toss paper and recyclable materials into the trash can and then watch me fish them out later. It drives me nuts. I thought being a good example in the household would convert her, but instead it's like she's regressing. Some shock therapy might be in order. Or maybe I have to buy her dinner or get her some flowers. Hell, I don't know, she's a woman.

So instead of spending my time trying to convert some of my friends, I now am going to have to buckle down and get the wife full engaged on the issue. Of course, she fears that we're going to become like some of these people whose only next step is to kill each other. I think we can do this without the divorce, but thanks for the confidence-builder, honey.

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