Sunday, June 28, 2009

Feel Like Some Meth? Hmm ... Maybe Not

When I was in Denver visiting Chelsea, we were walking back from dinner when I looked up and noticed this billboard. Living in DC spares me from seeing billboards all over the place, but this one really stood out.

Now, I am very aware that Kentucky (and many other states, for that matter) are dealing with a meth problem. I was not aware that Denver and the greater state of Colorado was fighting it as well. But I do have to say, giving people the impression that meth will make you get your freak on in a port-o-pottie or perhaps the dingiest truck stop bathroom ever was pretty good to me. Yes, that is a nasty-ass bathroom meth will make you want to have sex in (well, at least according to this billboard).

1 comment:

mcampbell21 said...

i showed that billboard to all my friends they got a kick out of it. I took a picture on my phone