Friday, June 26, 2009

No Reason for Concern, Right?

I'm getting more and more scared of this nation when after 200 days of Obama's presidency conservatives and the gun lobby have got it stuck up their craw that guns are apparently the solution to everything. It's really driving me nuts and pissing me off more than I care to say in this space. What makes it even worse is that even sensible gun advocates are being turned away by the completely lunatic fringe. Making matters worse, I now have to read about pastors from my own home town going out of their mind and asking people to bring guns to church. Are you fucking kidding me? Have we not seen what can happen with this shit? I am quickly running out of ways to defend my city and my state when I read crap like this.


GreenMom said...

Not sure you can even begin to defend these misguided people.....guns in church? what happened to love thy neighbor?

chelsea said...

Yeah- what would jesus do? I am pretty sure it would not involve introducing children to machine guns! I guess he has more in common with those middle eastern countries than he thought!