Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Funnies XX

Some of the best comedies on TV actually start in Britain and work their way over the pond. Many already know that The Office was originally a British show before it became a U.S. one. But you may not have known that other classics like All in the Family, Sanford and Son and Three's Company were also originally British shows that were ported over once their success was legitimized. A new series I have been watching over the last year is The IT Crowd. It's about two nerdy IT techs and global company whose new boss is a woman who knows two things about computers: jack and shit. Anyway, the first several seasons are on Netflix. I highly recommend checking it out. In the meantime, here are a few clips that are pretty indicative of what the show is about. Yes, I am a computer geek.


chelsea said...

okay, I am going to have to try this one!

HP said...

RAD! If you have not already seen these shows, definitely check out Peep Show (or anything that Mitchell and Webb related), Snuff Box and Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (for more Matt Berry), Green Wing, and Spaced. Most of these you will probably have to find on YouTube in parts, since they are not available for region 1 formatted DVD. The first series of Peep Show and both seasons of Spaced are available through Netflix.