Monday, February 22, 2010

My Cooking Space

What the ?*$%^!?&?

OK, relax. I wasn't robbed. Although when I first walked into my kitchen and saw the microwave and cabinets gone, I wondered if that is what it would look like.

Alas, we are remodeling the kitchen. And the process began this morning.

We saw this coming, but not this fast. We thought it would start around late March or early April, but last week our contractor said the job in front of ours got bumped and we were now first in line. This sent the wife into a torrent of stress I had not seen since the last time we did this when we remodeled the kitchen in our old condo three or so years ago. It was crazy stress then and since this is the first house, well, don't get me started. It's not possible to quantify.

Luckily, we're not going whole hog like we did last time. With this remodel, we're just attempting to open things up a little more. We're knocking a hole in the wall (the beginnings of which are in the photo above), getting a new fridge moving some cabinets around to make way for a pot rack to create more open space. This project is really about getting things the way the wife wants them so she won't murder me because nothing fits in our tiny-ass fridge. If I can accomplish that task, I think I'll be happy. And at least I won't have to sleep with a machete under my pillow.

I'll post more updates as this process goes along. We'll be in this dusty, tool-ridden hell for about a month. That gives me plenty of time to accidentally get my finger crushed by a hammer or lick some asbestos.

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