Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You Know Who I am Blaming

So I am on Day 2.5 of being sick. I hate it. I'm sneezing like there is no tomorrow. My nose is running so much I have no chance of catching it. Ha ha ha. Yeah, even sick humor means something to me at this point. But it's awful. I've got projects out the wazoo to work on and about a 3-minute attention span before my head starts pounding and I sneeze again and chase after my nose. So that is not going well at all. My goal is to get healthy by Thursday because I got Luke pa Duke coming into town Friday and gotta rally for when he is here. Oh, and before I end this, you know for sure who's ass I am blaming for me being sick. I almost wish I had to gall to go to work while sick that way I could find that bitch on the train and cough and sneeze all over her.


Kristin said...

I think maybe you jinxed yourself by saying you only get sick once a year!

GreenMom said...

Maybe it is your body telling you to slow down a bit and get some rest!!

KM said...

I fully agree with Kristin. It's safe to say you O'Neilled yourself on this one by bragging about your badass immune system.

I'd also say it's a little karma revenge for going off on a mom with a sick kid.

Campbell said...

Well, when in doubt, fall back on the norm: I'm an idiot.