Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Childhood, Bastardized

So before I rant about the latest film incarnation to ruin a piece of my childhood, let me celebrate that one film from my younger days remains intact. Seems cooler heads have prevailed and that Zac Efron has pulled out of the Footloose remake. For the time being, one of the best movie montages ever is safe from bastardization.

That elation aside, it's back to railing against Hollywood's inability to let good things be as they are. As anyone who has watched the Olympics now knows, another bastion of 80s horror is being remade. This time, it's Freddy Krueger. Seems Robert Englund's seminal work was not sufficient enough, and now they have to remove him from the franchise and start anew, and this means a whole new Nightmare on Elm Street movie.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Trailer 2 in HD

Trailer Park Movies | MySpace Video

Man I'm pissed. It's bad enough that they are making the film almost a shot-for-shot remake of the original. Trying to take an 80s sensibility and make it relevant 25 years later is just a tad stupid. Plus, no one is going to beat Johnny Depp in one of his first roles ever. I mean, that bed scene is still one of the freakiest things I have ever seen and no kidding scared the crap out of me for days when I first saw it.

Although I must saw it'd be hilarious if they remade that scene but kept Depp's character watching TV in 2010 on one of those 12-inch, 50-lb tube sets. That'd be sweet.

Anyway, I'm just pissed. Elm Street had all the bad acting and teenage nudity and creepy gore that only the 80s could properly provide. This new film will end up making lots of money, like the worthless, piece of shit Halloween and Friday the 13th remakes did, and they'll just move on to destroy something else. I'm just waiting for Jaws to be remade or something else classic like that. What a waste.

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