Monday, February 8, 2010

What I've Watched: Super Bowl Ads

I remember when watching the Super Bowl ads used to be one of the highlights of the night. Companies pay millions for the airtime because of all the eyes that will see them. About three years or so ago the ads started sucking. Last year, they were not great at all. Last night, they were downright atrocious. It was bad enough that they showed no creativity whatsoever. Add in the fact that they were nearly all so blatantly misogynistic (and I don't care that the target audience is men, that is not a good enough excuse anymore), it got to the point where the commercials were getting uncomfortable to watch after awhile. I'm only declaring one commercial worthwhile:

It was funny in certain moments, actually had a point to it that made sense (besides buying Bud Light or Doritos), and it used a remake of a Cheap Trick song that I used to like (which I also destroy on Guitar Hero). Watch the other ads below if you wish. And don't even get me started on the Tim Tebow ad. He's a jackass. That ad made no sense and after watching it again, whatever message they were trying to convey I think gets totally lost. In the end, it looks like a ad (if you were looking to hookup with a mom). And I think an ad that stupid only makes me celebrate a woman's right to choose that much more.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

agreed, complete waste of my time yesterday.