Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Paper Challenge

Another thing I want to keep everyone updated on is my constant conversion and conversion of others into the eco/green way of living. I had an epiphany about three years ago that this, in my opinion, will be the biggest challenge facing the world in my lifetime. So now I spend tons of time researching more effective ways to help green my office, my home, my friends (besides painting them green) and anything else I can affect. I'm done just reading about it; it's time to starting helping others affect change. And that can also be done by example.

My office recycles white paper and magazines/catalogs. It's great. My last employer sucked at the whole recycling thing, and they were a newspaper company for pete's sake. No surprise, they are collapsing each and every week. So sad.

So now each day when I come home, I sort through the mail and gather up all the catalogs and junk mail me and the goddess get, and instead of pitching it I toss it all in my bag and chuck it into the recycle bin at work the next morning. It takes no extra time, no extra effort, and it makes a huge difference.

How much, you may ask? Well, that's what I am going to find out. For the next month (Nov. 18-Dec. 18) I am going to collect everything I would recycle and keep it in a box. On Dec. 18 I am going to weigh it all and see how much it comes out to. I've been recycling so much this last year or so, but I've never really paid attention to how much it really is. Figure it would be fun to see how much one person (or two, since I'll count the lady's things also) makes in terms of junk mail. Just in case you were wondering, I will keep you posted periodically on my progression and also pass along any tips I find that can help us all make a difference.

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