Sunday, November 30, 2008

What I've Watched: Sex and the City

OK, here I go. I was a Sex and the City watcher. Yep, I can be man enough to admit. When you are living with a woman after so many years, you end up getting forced into watching shit TV you never want anything to do with. Luckily, my goddess divine knows that I won't go near the living room when anything from MTV, E! or Style is on. I just won't do it. I have too much pride in myself and my brain cells.

But when it was rocking on HBO, I can say I saw every episode. It happens. Unavoidable. So I knew all the storylines. I, for better or worse, could breakdown all the plusses and minuses of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. I put up with all the ways they stereotyped the guys they dated so that it was easier to dump them and make the ladies look better. And by all means, don't get me started with the whole Carrie/Big/Aidan thing. Big is a dickwad and doesn't deserve to even be on the show. Aidan was a good man until they decided to make him a tad crazy so Carrie had a out to dump him at the altar. What a bunch of shite.

Anyway, this is about the movie. On the whole it's entertaining, and I must say that after a few years of the show being off the air, it was fun for a couple hours to watch the characters back in action. The story starts out strong for the 45 minutes or so, and then all the wheels come off. There is a trip to Mexico, Miranda never says a positive line in the entire film, Big somehow doesn't get run over by a train, and the whole plot is wrapped up in about 4 minutes. To say, in the end, that I was disappointed would be a statement I would not deny.

But I still stand by the fact that it was fun to see that group of characters again. I wish several of them were handled better and more to their characters when it was on HBO, but I guess things could have been worse; they could have had Aidan show up so Carrie could spit in his face or something.


KM said...

gotta also mention you had a TV Guide with Charlotte on the cover displayed at your cube for at least 2 years.

Campbell said...

Because it was a gift from a chick and also Charlotte is hot. Shut your mouth!!!!!

KM said...

say what you want. but you had Sex in the City memorabilia decorating your cube for years.